Prairie Dell 4-H club meets

Prairie Dell 4-H Club members made bird feeders as part of PJ Night activities for their monthly meeting Jan. 3. They also learned a bit about parliamentary procedure.

Around Town

January 11, 2022 - 10:07 AM

Prairie Dell 4-H member Lizzy Michael makes a bird feeder from a yarn, toilet paper roll, peanut butter, and bird seed. Photo by PHOTO COURTESY OF TERRI KRETZMEIER

PJ night and bird feeders were the theme of the Jan. 3 meeting of the Prairie Dell 4-H Club.

Keeping with the winter theme, song leader Lainey Church led members in singing “Frosty the Snowman.”

During Parliamentary Procedure members learned that when a gavel is tapped three times that means that all are to stand.  When the gavel is tapped once, everybody is to sit.

For the Prairie Dell Conservation Project members reported that they had changed eight of their light bulbs to LEDs.

For the program, members made bird feeders using empty toilet paper rolls with a yarn hanger.  Peanut butter was used to cover the toilet paper roll and then it was rolled in bird seed.  Members took their bird feeders home to hang in their yards.

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 7, at Iola’s Riverside Park Community Building.  

Valentines will be made for Heartland Meadows residents.  Talks will be given by Lainey Church and Cav Nelson.

— Luke Wicoff, reporter
