Parents take charge at Square B meeting

4-H Club meets April 12 at Riverside Park.

Around Town

April 20, 2021 - 10:19 AM

Square B 4-H Club met on April 12 at Riverside Park in Iola. Parents were in charge, which always makes it their favorite meeting of the year.

Pledges were led by Margaret and Susie Bennett. Eight parents and seven members answered roll call with the last  movie they had seen. 

Standing committees were chosen. 

The community service committee is the Brown family and Meiwes family. Hicks and Wanker families are on the haybale committee. Mary Brown, Hicks and Kramers will plan the Veterans Day parade. 

Susie Bennett talked about future horse project meetings. Kelli Kramer talked about small animal weigh in. 

Henry and  Carly Kramer will represent the club at Rock Springs 4-H camp this summer. The club will work at the recycling drop off on May 1 as a community service project.  

Maddy Wanker and her assistant Christine gave a demonstration on how to harvest honey. 

The next 4-H council meeting will be Aprill 22 at the new office building.

The next Square B club meeting will be 7 p.m. May 10   at Riverside Park in Iola.
