News from Carlyle — Nov. 24

Carlyle Presbyterian Church services centered on Thanksgiving Sunday, and giving thanks to Jesus.


Around Town

November 24, 2021 - 9:24 AM

Presbyterian Church

Pastor Steve Traw’s message Sunday, “Touching on Thanksgiving,” was taken from Hebrew 9:238-28. Traw encouraged the congregation to reflect on circumstances where Christ touched us as believers, then give thanks back to Him.

Rita Sanders played “Jesus Loves Me” for the prelude and “Spirit of God Descends On My Heart” for the offertory.

Celebrating birthdays this week: Patty Herschberger on Monday,  Gary Murphy today, and Brad Fraker Friday.

A fellowship dinner followed the morning services.

Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. The Cunningham family will provide special music for the morning service.

Pastor Traw leads weekly Bible study at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
