News from Carlyle — Dec. 6

Carlyle Presbyterian Church celebrated the second Sunday of Advent with praise and music, and noted Christmas activities in the near future.

Around Town

December 6, 2021 - 9:06 AM

For the second Sunday of advent, David Ensminger and Merrill Hodgden lit the candle representing joy. Let us pray that God will light our hearts with hope and joy and fill us with anticipation and longing for the true joy that Christ brings, and temper it with patience that we may never fall into despair as we await its fulfillment.

Pastor Steve Traw’s message, “Joy in my every prayer” was taken from Philippians 1:1-11. 

Guest pianist, Glen Cunningham played, “O Come All Ye Faithful” for the prelude and “What Child Is This?” for the offertory.   Betty Cunningham provided the special music, singing “The Lamb of God” accompanied by Glen at the piano.

Session meets Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 5:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

The Church dinner and gift exchange Dec. 19 at noon.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion service starts at 6 p.m. on Dec. 24.   

THE VFW is preparing boxes to send to servicemen and servicewomen overseas.  If you know of someone serving call Maggie Barnett at 620-380-1814 with their names and contact information before Dec. 13.
