Kiwanis learn about radio club

Around Town

August 28, 2024 - 2:33 PM

Randy Stitt of Iola and Gale Jeffers of LaHarpe get ready for Saturday’s Field Day at Riverside Park. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register

Steve Green, president of the Iola Amateur Radio Club, spoke to Iola Kiwanians on Tuesday about the club’s activities. Green, radio call sign KD0JLE, stressed membership is not limited to Iolans, with some members living outside Allen County.

The club meets the second Tuesday of each month. Members share information and ideas for technology and activities such as state and national contests. The Iola club participated in a national Field Day in June, during which members set up generators, radios and antennas in Riverside Park to make contacts with other amateur operators from across the country.

Green discussed licensing levels and the required testing. While amateur radio is regulated by the Federal Communication Commission, it is “policed” by members of the amateur radio community. Testing can be done locally, and new hobbyists are encouraged to participate in club activities and join the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL), although it is not a requirement for pursuing the interest.

Amateur radio, or ham radio as it is sometimes called, dates back to the turn of the last century, and ARRL was founded in 1914. Emphasis has always been on service, as well as a hobby outlet for members, and amateur radio clubs often help in emergencies and national disasters.

Anyone interested in learning more about amateur radio and participation in the Iola Amateur Radio Club is encouraged to look at the ARRL website and, the local group’s website.

The Kiwanis Club meets at noon Tuesdays at Allen Community College and welcomes interest in membership. Email [email protected] for more information.
