Kiwanis hears about ACC Endowment

The Iola Kiwanis Club meets weekly, noon Tuesdays, at Allen Community College and welcomes interest in membership.

Around Town

January 12, 2023 - 5:08 PM

Allen Community College

Lauren Maisberger, director of development at Allen Community College, shared with Kiwanis Club members Tuesday the role of endowment and her communication with alumni as well as some upcoming events to bring those two parts of her job together.

Maisberger, with the help of the Allen Endowment Board, administrators and assistant Alison Fees, raises money for scholarships and the institution through myriad events and opportunities to give. In academic years 2021-22, $219,862 was awarded in 201 scholarships. Currently a Centennial Capital Campaign is being conducted in conjunction with the college’s centennial (1923-2023), with a goal of $5 million to be used for scholarships, facilities and instructional enhancements.

Tax-deductible gifts can be targeted to a specific area donors want to help, including athletics, fine arts, and agriculture. Classroom and facility naming opportunities exist, with significant donations. A highlight each year for Maisberger is the Endowment Association’s Scholarship Luncheon, which allows students to meet donors of their scholarships.

Some upcoming alumni activities, as well as events to promote community involvement, will be an Alumni and Friends Social Feb. 11, in conjunction with homecoming and basketball games, at the 110 Lounge and Event Center in downtown Iola; the Annual Scholarship Gala, with auction, March 18 in the Allen gymnasium; and centennial celebration activities throughout the year. Maisberger communicates all of the Endowment and college news to alumni through a semiannual newsletter.

The Iola Kiwanis Club meets weekly, noon Tuesdays, at Allen Community College and welcomes interest in membership. Call President John Shields, (620) 365-2700, or email [email protected] for more information.
