Iola library celebrates Flint Hills

Photographer Mark Feiden, a sixth-generation Kansan, presents his anthology of photographs and recorded oral histories of old-timers.

Around Town

November 3, 2022 - 4:41 PM

Wabaunsee County, circa 1886. Image includes photographer Mark Feiden’s great-great-great-grandparents Gottfried and Anna Elizabeth Nehring and great-great-grandparents Gottthelf and Sara Nehring. All but Sara were born in Prussia and arrived in Kansas before statehood. Courtesy photo

Plains folk and prairie landscapes are the subject of “40 Years in the Flint Hills, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. at the Iola Public Library.

Photographer Mark Feiden, a sixth-generation Kansan, presents his anthology of photographs and recorded oral histories of old-timers.

“The Flint Hills not only represent a now barely imaginable ‘sea of grass’, that once extended from Canada to Texas, and from eastern Kansas into Indiana, but also a place where many of the icons and ideals that shaped a nation endure,” Feiden writes.

Feiden has pioneer roots in both Reno and Wabaunsee counties. He has been documenting the people and places of Kansas and the Flint Hills for nearly 40 years. In 1998 he co-founded The Konza Press, and in 2017 he began working on a long-term stories project, “Emil Redmon’s Cow”, some of which will be shared in the program. 

An image of the Flint Hills landscape. Freiden will discuss “40 Years in the Flint Hills” Thursday at the Iola Public Library.Courtesy photo

Parents & Children

Audiologist Ceri Coffield will be at the library at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday to visit one-on-one with parents of children ages 1 to 3 about speech, hearing and language development. The program is part of the library’s month-long Parent/Child Workshop series. Each presents an opportunity to consult a visiting child development specialist— for free — in the casual atmosphere of the library’s family engagement area.

The child can be part of the consultation, and all can meet and mingle. Pre-registration is recommended. Subsequent programs will be Child Development, Nov. 15; Nutrition, Nov. 22; and Music and Movement, Nov. 29, with a series wrap-up. Coffield is from the clinic at Greenbush Education Service Center, Girard.

Healthy Hearts

Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., Thrive’s healthy heart specialist Casey Godinez will be on hand to help decode confusing package labels and present tips on food shopping, especially with regard to monitoring and controlling high blood pressure. This is the third in a series of healthy heart programs co-sponsored with Thrive, also available virtually at  The final program, Healthy Snacks and Dining Out, will be Dec. 14. 

Continuing programs include Monday night Chess Club at 6 p.m., and In Stitches crochet at 6:30. Open Bridge, Thursday, 7-9 p.m., will be in the Flewharty Annex this week. 

The library will be open on Veterans Day, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
