Iola band students earn regional honors

Iola middle and high school band students were selected to the Southeast Kansas Music Educators Association Honor Bands.


Around Town

December 16, 2024 - 2:59 PM

Iola High School band students who received regional honors include, front from left, Madeleine Wanker, Kavon Loving, Alyssa Williams; back, Tripp Mathes, Bethany Miller, Simon Mueller and Kale Godfrey. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register

Iola Middle and High school band students achieved regional honors. 

High school students were selected for the Southeast Kansas Music Educators Association Honor Band Clinic and performance Nov. 20 at Pittsburg State University. Students were selected for the district honor band and jazz band. 

They will audition for the Kansas Music Educators Association All-State Band in January. 

Middle school students also were selected for Honor Band. 


SEKMEA Jazz band

Tenor Sax 1: Kevon Loving

Bari Sax: Kale Godfrey

Trumpet 3: Madeleine Wanker

Trumpet Alternate: Simon Mueller

Trombone 2: Bethany Miller

Trombone Alternate: Alyssa Williams

Drum Kit Alternate: Tripp Mathes

SEKMEA concert band

Tenor Sax 1: Kevon Loving

Bari Sax: Kale Godfrey

Trumpet 8: Madeleine Wanker

Trombone 3: Bethany Miller

Trombone 7: Alyssa Williams

Iola High School band students named to the Honor Band were, front from left, Michael Hancock, Gabriela Guerrero-Geisler, Leanna Flory, Selby Blankenship, Autumn Carr, Jimena Avila, Trinity Anderson; back, William Garner, Jackson Young, Cruz Ross, Kahdrien Boeken, Avery Strickler and Kyndal Bartlett. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register

Middle School Honor Band roster:


2nd Chair, Autumn Carr

3rd Chair, Selby Blankenship

5th Chair, Jimena Avila Fuentes

8th Chair, Triniti Anderson


16th Chair, Helena Morrison

Alto Saxophone

2nd Alternate, Gabby Geisler

Tenor Saxophone

Alternate, Michael Hancock


3rd Chair, Kahdrien Boeken

4th Chair, Avery Strickler

12th Chair, Kyndal Bartlett

Alternate, Mariah Mathis


3rd Chair, William Garner

12th Chair, Jackson Young

13th Chair, Leanna Flory


1st Chair, Cruz Ross


2nd Chair, Cruz Ross

November 20, 2020
December 6, 2019
November 9, 2017
November 11, 2016