ELSMORE — The 86th Elsmore Alumni Banquet was held May 27 at Elsmore City Hall. Fifty-six of the 93 in attendance were alumni.
Recognition was given to past and present military and to all teachers.
The earliest class members were Joan Johnson Wolfe and Evelyn Cox Roberts, class of 1947, celebrating their 76th graduation anniversary.
The class of 1953 celebrated its 70th anniversary with four alumni in attendance: Doris Graham Ericson, Charles Munson, Orvan Adams and Jack Franklin.
The family with the most attendees was the Fewins family with six.
The class with the most attendees was 1966 with seven.
The oldest married alumni couples recognized were Don and Donna Ludlum Bauer, Larry and Wilma Jean Laver Nelson and Steve and Annette Carlson Kyser.
The alumni who traveled the farthest was Shirley Boler Dinkins from California.
The anniversary classes were recognized and given the opportunity to address the members.
Officers were President Alice Boler Bolin and Secretary-Treasurer, Janice Fewins Rake. A delicious meal was served by Kay Lewis.
Rake gave the Secretary-Treasurer reports and led the scholarship program.
Three recipients were in attendance to accept their awards: Jarrett Herrmann, Zach Allee and Roslyn Houk.
Seven scholarships were awarded for a total value of $2,900. Recipients not in attendance were Abby Altic, Kirstyn Murrow, Reece Murry and Conner Mispagel.
Since starting in 2011, 70 scholarships totaling $16,900 have been awarded.
Everyone was thanked for their contributions, small or large, with special thanks to the Gloria Ericson Crowley memorial which produced $685 in honor of the Class of 1954.