Dunlap shares love of old cars with Kiwanians

Through the years the Iolan has owned six Hudsons


Around Town

September 6, 2023 - 3:11 PM

Andy Dunlap treated his fellow Kiwanians to a visual retrospective of his years collecting and showing Hudson vehicles at Tuesday’s meeting. Hudsons were manufactured from 1909 until merging with Nash in 1954 to become part of American Motors. Through the years, Dunlap has owned six Hudsons and still owns a 1951 Hudson Hornet and another ’51 Hudson.

“I love all kinds of Hudsons,” Dunlap said.

With the help of his son, Doug, Dunlap showed photographs of international and regional meets from recent years in Wisconsin Dells (2018), Texas (2021), Salina (2022) and this year’s meet in Branson. Hundreds attend and show vehicles at the meets, and Dunlap has formed dozens of friendships with fellow enthusiasts in the Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club over time. In recent years, Doug and two other sons, Chris of Alma and Bryan, Jefferson City, Mo., accompany their father to the events.

The Iola Kiwanis Club sponsored the Farm-City Days Car Show for many years, and the last two years, 2018 and ’19, it was named the Andy Dunlap Kiwanis Club Car Show in his honor.

The Dunlaps included in their presentation several advertisements from the Iola Register for Hudsons, including a 1919 ad from the White & Foster dealership, 1927 Bud White Motors, 1934 L.H. Reynolds Motors, and 1947 Hoffman Motors.

September 8, 2021
September 7, 2018
June 21, 2016
October 26, 2013