Court news — Aug. 2, 2023

Iola Municipal Court handled several criminal cases during Wednesday's session.

Around Town

August 4, 2023 - 2:38 PM

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Judge Pattie Miklos Boyd

Convicted as follows:

Phil D. Churning, Gas, driving while suspended (third or subsequent offense), $2,135

Jason W. Curtis, Burlington, theft, $75, probation ordered

Tremayne L. Glaze, Iola, battery, possession of marijuana, $575, probation ordered

Brittany K. Rodgers, Piqua, failure to carry/exhibit driver’s license, $665

Michael E. Scott, Humboldt, failure to carry/exhibit driver’s license, $665

Robert M. Stufflebeam, Iola, theft, $365

Blaine E. Wallace, Iola, 48/35, $173

Diversion agreement:

Walker J. Logan, Gas, no liability insurance, possessing alcohol as a minor, transporting an open container of alcohol, littering, $1,225.

July 14, 2023
May 5, 2023
May 20, 2022
September 24, 2021