Colony church news

Pastor Riebel's sermon focuses on "putting down roots."

Around Town

February 24, 2025 - 3:16 PM

Pastor Chase Riebel’s sermon from Ezekiel 17 was “Putting Down Roots.”

We must intentionally stay rooted to Jesus abiding in Him and depending on Him. We should live a life worthy of Him bearing good fruit wherever He plants us.

Darren McGhee gave the communion meditation “The Father Knows.”

Darren’s grandfather had enough life experience that he could always predict what was going to happen fairly accurately. So does our Father in Heaven know what is going to happen.

We can petition Him to search our hearts and create cleanliness within us.

Lexy Langworthy led worship with the songs “Cornerstone,” “How Marvelous, How Wonderful,” and “Goodness of God.” She was accompanied by Ben Prasko on keyboard and Ethan Prasko on percussion.

The women had a luncheon following church and then held a baby shower for Lexy Langworthy.

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