The regular monthly meeting of the City Slickers 4-H Club was called to order on April 5 by Zoom by president Carly Dreher. Leah and Thatcher Mueller led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge. Moira Springer led the club in singing Hokey Pokey. Club members answered roll call by saying their favorite quarantine activity. Fifteen club members, one community leader, and one guest were present.
Ty Shaughnessy discussed amending the main motion for the parlimentarian’s report. Robbie Grisier discussed the various 4-H camps being held this summer. He also mentioned that spring weigh-in for animals for the fair was postponed until further notice.
Leah Mueller reported that the next 4-H Council meeting was April 9.
Discussion about working the June Swine Show concession stand took place, but it was decided to wait until more information about actual dates or cancellations is known.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. May 10 by Zoom.
— Rohan Springer, reporter