City Slickers meet via Zoom

Springtime thoughts, 4-H Days activities and other topics were discussed at the most recent City Slickers 4-h Club meeting. The meeting was held online via Zoom.

Around Town

March 2, 2021 - 9:15 AM

The February meeting of the City Slickers 4-H club was called to order by President Carly Dreher, via Zoom. Roll call was answered with “What the temperature outside feels like to you.” 

Seventeen members and one community leader were present. The pledge  of allegiance and 4-H pledge were led by Moira and Rohan Springer. Moira also led the club in singing “Head, shoulders, knees, and toes.” Thatcher Mueller gave a parliamentary report over the Objection to the Consideration of the question.

The community leader, Robbie Grisier, congratulated the club for getting Top Blue at 4-H Days. There will be no model meeting competition at Regionals. Regional 4-H Days will be on March 6 for 4-Hers who received Top Blues on their project talks at 4-H Days via Zoom. 

A reminder was given that the beef weigh-in is Wednesday and Thursday. The club was asked to think of theme ideas for the upcoming County Fair. The next council meeting is Feb. 25 via Zoom.

Bryer and Rowan Grisier led the club in playing a fun game of Simon Says. The next meeting will be at 4 p.m. March 14 via Zoom.

— Shelby Shaughnessy, 

