Pastor Steve Traw’s message “One by One’ was taken from Ephesians 12. Pastor Steve said as a young boy attending the Christian Church the congregation would sing the old hymn “Win Them One By One.”
Traw said his mother would point her finger at him as they sang the chorus, “If you bring the one next to you and I’ll bring the one next to me, in no time at all we’ll have them all, so win them, win them one by one.”
We as Christians are to share the good news of Christ with those next to us.
David Loomis led the morning song service.
Pianist Myrna Wildschuetz played “Without His Amazing Grace” for the prelude and “He the Pearly Gates Will Open” for the offertory.
Rev. Tom Bevard sang “In the Garden” for a special number.
The church fellowship dinner followed at noon. Bible Study is 3 p.m. on Tuesdays with Pastor Steve.