Carlyle Presbyterian

"All about Love" sermon reflects on treating others with love.

Around Town

February 24, 2025 - 3:13 PM

Merrill Hodgden was the speaker at Carlyle Presbyterian Sunday. His sermon, “All about Love,” came from John 13:31-34. Did you ever think about how people know you? People know us by how we act, speak, and treat others. If you treat others with love, God will take care of any problems with people in the church or community. Even the people we are not fond of need to be treated with love and let Jesus take care of their problems or attitudes.

What the world needs even more now is love. Our country is in such turmoil and getting along would solve a lot of the world’s problems.

Be responsible for our local community and support the organizations that are working with the less fortunate. Carlyle Presbyterian hopes to be a good example by supporting some local groups like Pregnancy Resource Center, food pantry, and Humanity House just to name a few.

Church members learned that Pastor Steve Traw sounds great and is able to walk short distances. Prayers for his continued rehabilitation and for him to come back soon.

Rita Sander was the pianist and provided music for the service.

The Secret Sisters successfully held their first meeting and donations that were collected will be delivered to the Pregnancy Resource Center. The next meeting is planned for May.

Thrive Allen County is calling Carlyle residents to share ideas, concerns, and visions for the community at tonight’s Carlyle Community Conversation. The meeting is open to all. For more information, contact [email protected].

Session meeting will be held at 5:45 p.m., Tuesday, March 4. Members are welcome.

December 15, 2021
September 15, 2021
February 21, 2020
December 20, 2019