Carlyle Presbyterian

Pastor Straw spoke about Jesus calling on his apostles to follow him during Sunday's sermon.

Around Town

January 15, 2025 - 2:04 PM

Pastor Steve Traw’s message Sunday came from Matthew 4:18-25, when Jesus called his apostles to follow him. Jesus called to brothers Peter and Andrew, fishermen, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They left their nets and followed.

Next, he called brothers James and John to follow him. With them by his side, Jesus went about Galilee preaching in synagogues and healing the sick.

Each life is important to the Lord, regardless of your background. Follow the Lord, even if it means leaving others behind.

Pastor Traw added he wears a button that has “PBPWMCIFWMY” on it, which means “Please Be Patient With Me, Christ Isn’t Finished With Me Yet.”

Prayers continue for the Colony Community Church, which is temporarily meeting in the old Colony Christian Church building.

The first meeting of the Secret Sister Organization will be Jan. 25, at 11:30 a.m.  Bring a dish, plus a baby gift to donate to Hope Unlimited or the Pregnancy Resource Center, to the Fellowship Hall. Husbands and families are welcome, too. The annual congregational cooperation meeting is Sunday, Jan. 26, after church at 10:45 a.m.
