Carlyle News

'The New Jerusalem' was the message at Carlyle Presbyterian Church.


Around Town

January 31, 2020 - 4:44 PM

Joanne McIntyre Register file photo

Carlyle Presbyterian Church

Pastor Steve Traw discussed “The New Jerusalem” Sunday, referencing Revelation 21. Richard Klingensmith was song leader for the morning worship service. Myrna Wildschuetz played “He Loved Me With a Cross” for the prelude and “Still Outside the Fold” for the offertory.

Vance Hodgden celebrated his birthday Tuesday. Lyle Bartholomew’s birthday is today.

David Ensminger, David Loomis, Virginia Warren and Glen Herschberger assisted Pastor Traw serving Communion.

Bible Study with Pastor Traw on the book of John is at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
