Pastor Steve Traw’s message Sunday, “Truth Along the Way,” was taken from John 14:5-14. Jesus encouraged His disciples by saying, “Believe also in Me,” and telling them about heaven. In other words, He was saying, “Before you can believe what I am telling you about heaven, you must first believe in Me as you believe in God the Father.” He went on to say: “I am the way” to heaven, “the truth” about heaven, “and the life” of heaven for all believers.
Pianist Myrna Wildschuetz played “Wake the Song” for the prelude and “Pass It On” for the offertory.
Rev. Tom Bevard led the song service and provided the special music singing “Amazing Grace” accompanied by Myra at the piano. Tom and Lucy Bevard celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary Sunday.
Visiting was former Carlyle Church member Phyllis Bradshaw and her husband, Don, from Walnut.
Bible Study with Pastor Traw on the book of Hebrews is at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
Visiting with Joanne McIntyre and Jim Hinson this week were Joanne’s daughter-in-law Jackie McIntyre, Carlyle, great-granddaughter Zoey McIntyre and great-grandson Kline McIntyre, rural Yates Center.