First grade classes at Moran and Elsmore elementary schools are employing progress reports rather than grade cards. Ken McWhirter, Moran elementary school principal, said the school’s application of the mastery teaching and assessment method was ahead of its time.
Allen County Community College full-time equivalent enrollment increased 19 percent this fall. The college trustees approved remodeling to create a music complex at a cost of $30,890.
Students in more than 9,000 schools, including Iola middle and high schools, voted for Bill Clinton to be the next president in mock elections.
MORAN — Klein Tools laid off 33 employees earlier this month because “our capacity to produce was way ahead of the economic conditions,” according to John Ferwalt, the plant’s personnel manager.
MORAN — Marmaton Valley schools will adhere to the Supreme Court decision prohibiting prayer during school-sponsored activities. Supt. of Schools Ernie Price said the board unanimously adopted a resolution to that effect earlier this month.
The Christian Broadcasting Network’s “700 Club” will air a story about Lori and Mike Moran and their son, Ryan, later this year. A reporter and cameraman from the show were in Iola to film the segment.
The third annual Iola Charity Flag Football game Saturday at Everett Shepherd Park raised about $800 for Iola United Funds. The game pitted members of the Iola Fire Department against Iola police officers.