Jim Gilpin is back home after an extended tour in the Air Force in New Hampshire, the last two years as first lieutenant. Gilpin now is a vice president at Iola State Bank, and his wife, Karen, is a registered nurse at Allen County Hospital.
Stanley Dreher Jr., president of Allen County Farm Bureau, moderated last night’s annual meeting at the North Community Building. Dreher and his wife, Maxine, were selected as Man and Woman Leaders of the Year for the county group.
The building on the north side of the courthouse square which at one time housed the Iola YMCA and more recently was the sanctuary for First Baptist Church soon will be no more. George Chard, owner of the building, is having it torn down and will sell the two lots.
Gary Hawk, who worked at IMP Boats the past six years, is striking out on his own as a painter and inventor. Hawk plans to translate childhood memories and his artist’s eye of scenes today into paintings which he can sell frequently enough to make a living. Not only is Hawk an extraordinarily gifted painter, he also has products he has invented which are either on the market or close to being.