A look back in time – November 1982

40 Years Ago

Around Town

November 10, 2022 - 3:35 PM

Kansas voters gave a rousing endorsement Tuesday to Democratic Gov. John Carlin’s oil and gas severance tax. Carlin swept to an impressive re-election victory, with a 66,000 vote margin over Republican challenger, Sam Hardage. Both agreed the election was a referendum on the severance tax. Democrat Jim Slattery also defeated Morris Kay in the Second District congressional race in what was seen as a repudiation of President Ronald Reagan’s economic policies. Iola voters also gave Gov. Carlin the edge in a rare show of liberalism. 


The price of a local call from a pubic telephone goes from a dime to a quarter next week, Don Vaughn, manager for Southwestern Bell said. Vaughn said that technicians were changing 83 pay phones in Iola to give a dial tone before any coins were deposited and to accept only a quarter before a local call could be dialed.


MORAN — Taxpayers in USD 256, Moran-Elsmore, could see their property taxes increase by as much as 10 mills next year because of valuation lost in the district through the exemption of farm machinery from ad valorem taxes.


Spencer & Sons clothing store closed its doors Thursday and is turning the stock over to creditors. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Spencer have owned the store since 1966. Mr. Spencer was employed there for nine years before he purchased it from W. C. “Bun” Perham. They said high interest rates and slow business forced them to quit. 


Jack Lundy, dean of instruction at Allen County Community College, has added the Silver Beaver to his other awards, scouting’s highest award  to an adult leader. As a youth, Lundy also became an Eagle Scout. After moving to Iola in 1979, he founded Post 1 of the Explorer Scouts. His wife, Linda, is a Girl Scout leader. Their son Mark is an Eagle Scout, son Todd is a Star Scout and daughter Kristi is a Girl Scout.


An agency of last resort to help Iolans pay their utility bills is being established by the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce. Executive Director Carol Mix said the Chamber will meet with other service agencies to work out the details. The Chamber Utility Relief board (CURB) has been gathering information from Lawrence where a similar program has been in effect, and is seeking help locally to design a way to help those who cannot get assistance from other programs and will face hardships unless additional funds can be made available to them.
