A look back in time – March 1978

45 years ago

Around Town

March 8, 2023 - 3:37 PM

Buck Quincy, dean of Southeast Kansas League basketball coaches, last night asked the school board to relieve him of his coaching duties. He has coached the Iola team for 13 years. He asked to be retained as a social science teacher. Both requests were granted.


Willis J. Ross, LaHarpe postmaster, welcomes patrons to the new post office building in LaHarpe. The post office had been in the city hall but the city needed the room so the post office moved to a new building which is also being used by three private businesses, Dub’s Barber Shop, Graves Electronics and Gene’s Key and Lock Service.


 John H. Shultz is the new owner of LaHarpe Grocery and Deli. Shultz said he plans to double the inventory and that he expects to build it into something worthwhile for the community. He bought the store from Dean Jackson who operated it for the last two years. 


Arthur Ray Looker, retired Iola businessman and former city official, died last night at the Arkhaven Nursing Home at 85. He was one of the few remaining Iola veterans of World War I and one of the few survivors of the famed Lost Battalion which was nearly destroyed in the battle at the Argonne Forest. He came to Iola in 1937 to become assistant manager of the Pet Milk company and later operated a grocery store on Lincoln until failing health forced him to retire in 1959.
