A look back in time — January 1971

70 Years Ago

Around Town

January 6, 2021 - 9:38 AM

Iola coffee toppers discovered this morning that the nickel cup of coffee was a year-end casualty. Their favorite brew sold for a dime a cup today. Dave Hart, owner of Hart’s Lunch and spokesman for the restaurant owners, said that those who cater to the coffee trade have been taking a financial beating for several months. He said anyone serving coffee for a nickel was losing money.


The Allen County Hospital, now under construction, will be operated as a county institution under the supervision of a board of hospital trustees, it was decided this morning by the county commission, Alvin Erickson, chairman of the board, announced. The trustees, under state law, will employ an administrator who will be the executive of the hospital when it is opened. The law also provides for a half-mill levy to provide the operating funds for the hospital, meet deficits and maintain the building and its contents.
