Sovereign Robinwood Carmel, a Holstein cow owned by Ivan Strickler, Iola, recently set a new Kansas record for dairy cows, producing 24,589 pounds of milk, containing 1,043 pounds of butter fat, in 365 days. This is a new all-time production record for all breeds.
Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford have purchased the Fowler Studio on East Madison from William M. Fowler. Both Crawfords are experienced in the photographic profession.
An order by the Allen County superintendent of schools, Mrs. Mabel Sage, to transfer about half of school district 60, Savonburg, to join district 81 C, Elsmore, was set aside this week by Judge Spencer Gard in the Allen County district court.
Late Tuesday evening and early this morning the town’s citizens spent a few anxious hours in the throes of fear — fear of freezing to death. At 10:30 p.m. the gas pressure began to dwindle and 30 minutes later there was no gas at all. A break in the main line east of town was soon discovered. By 1:30 this morning the Southeastern Kansas Gas Company got the main fixed, but this did not immediately solve the problem. Few people know how to relight an automatic gas furnace. Fortunately, Elvin Fisher, Wayne Weast and their assistants spent the remainder of the night restarting automatic gas heaters and appliances for residents.
Buchanan Street from North Street west to State, will be set aside for coasting this afternoon, Ray Pershall, street commissioner, said at noon today. The area will be closed to motor traffic. These two or three blocks, commonly known as Kirk’s Hill, provide the best sledding to be found within Iola’s city limits.
Two weeks of cold weather, climaxed by yesterday’s 14 degrees below zero burst a six-inch water main under Madison Avenue last night. Water bubbled onto the pavement in front of the police station and a steady flow cascaded south on Walnut. J. A. Wilson, utility superintendent, believes that the contraction of ground due to the extreme cold pulled the pipe apart. The break had not been repaired by noon today. The main is an old one and workmen were unable to close the valve under the pavement in front of the Klein Lumber Co.