A look back in time – January 1953

70 years ago

Around Town

January 25, 2023 - 5:52 PM

Allen County Sheriff Robert M. Allman had an operation which may make medical history. At Baylor University Hospital in Houston a surgeon replaced about six inches of his aorta artery with an artery from a deceased person. Allman had an aneurysm on his artery which would have burst and led to his death. He is now at Ft. Smith recovering.


HUMBOLDT — Next Monday, Walter Wulf, president of the Monarch Cement Co., and his staff will report for work in the firm’s new ultra modern and beautiful office building which is now nearing completion. The one-story structure is located northwest of the main plant, adjacent to the curve on U.S. 169 on the south edge of Humboldt.


A farmer living a few miles from Iola had a fire recently. He called the Iola fire department. They told him, sorry, you’re not in Iola Township and don’t have a contract with us. We can’t make the run. Mayor Charles Wilson explained today that the city has no choice. It has to set up rules and abide by them. The rules are: 1. Within city limits fire department service is unlimited and free. 2. Outside the city limits it is by contract only. Iola Township has a contract covering all farms within the township. Certain individual farmers have contracts. The city will sign contracts only with individuals living within three miles of the city limits. 3. There are only two exceptions. One is when life is endangered, the other is upon request by a neighboring town when the business district of that town is threatened.
