A look back in time – February 1997

25 years ago

Around Town

February 18, 2022 - 3:59 PM

Prospective workers by the hundreds converged on Riverside Park’s Community Building as Russell Stover Candies began accepting applications for employment.


Becky Nilges, president of Iola Area United Funds, gave plaques to five major contributors to the 1996 drive. About $26,000 was raised through those efforts.


Work will begin this summer on construction of the U.S. 169 bypass east of Iola. Jim Metcalf, an engineer with the Kansas Department of Transportation, said once the bypass is constructed, the 12-mile stretch will extend from the U.S. 169-U.S. 54 intersection to Colony.


The Tholen family of rural Moran will be presented with a soil conservation award by the Allen County Conservation District. Family members are Michelle, Scott, Bob, Julie, Mark, Paul and Alice. Randy and Gloria Heigele will be honored for development of a wildlife refuge near Gas, and Ada and Kenneth Baeten will be presented Kansas Banker’s Awards for conservation improvements made on their rural Humboldt farm.


Humboldt Industries, manufacturer of turf maintenance equipment, has moved from its location in downtown Humboldt to the north industrial park. The new building has 25,000 square feet of floor space, 50 percent more than its former facility.


Members of the Allen County Fair Association decided to look into alternative sites for a demolition derby that might be held during the fair this year. The decision came after members of the Allen County Roughriders 4-H Club expressed opposition to the derby being held again at the Lyle Dreher Roughriders Arena in Riverside Park.
