Clarence Robinson, proprietor of Hart’s Cafe, received the man-of-the-year service award of the Iola Junior Chamber of Commerce at a “Bosses’ Night” dinner. Robinson’s outstanding service to Little League Baseball in Iola was noted.
Melvin Bell will hold an open house Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the new home of the Bell Furniture Store on State Street about a block north of the National Guard Armory.
Angelo Scott, editor of The Register, became the fifth recipient of the annual William Allen White Foundation award for journalistic merit. The award goes to an editor who “exemplifies the William Allen White ideals in journalism and in service to his profession and community.”
Allen County Hospital averaged nearly a baby a day and admittied 2,495 ill or injured persons in 1957. The average census was 33 persons during the 12 months, Charles Gray, administrator, said.
Iola’s city commissioners this morning found a street named Benton which hadn’t appeared on city maps for many, many years. This thoroughfare lies between the Missouri Pacific and Katy tracks from State to Cottonwood streets.
Iola’s new 5,000 KW generator may be providing the electricity with which you are reading this issue of the Register. Clem Griffith, city engineer, said this morning the unit was being given its final tests and should be put on line this afternoon.