Steve Strickler of Iola, a student at Kansas State University in Manhattan, is head of the planning committee for this year’s Little American Royal contest in which K-State students are judged on their ability to groom, train and show K-State-owned livestock.
One of Iola’s newest industries, FEEM, Inc., has enjoyed success here and indications are that the company, which specializes in aluminum die-casting, will continue to move ahead. The company now has dies for 20 parts, such as automotive alternators, lawnmower axles and garden tiller axle housings, and the prospects for increasing the product line are attractive. The company now has a work force of 45. It is being managed by owners Wally Edwards and Pat Embree. It is located in buildings that were part of the Lehigh plant here and are now owned by Iola Industries, Inc.
The Iola Senior Citizens Center is a busy place. The elderly citizens that meet at the old fire barn at 117 W. Madison are sponsored by the Southeast Kansas Community Action Program. The volunteer-managed center is used for group meetings and also serves as a place for the members to sell their crafts. The money received is important to their incomes, Mrs. Rose Brown remarked. Mrs. Brown is a volunteer at the center. The group also sells used clothing that has been donated. The city of Iola doesn’t charge for the use of the building and SEK-CAP pays the utility bills. Mrs. Brown and several of the other volunteers help deliver meals to shut-ins.
The works of Mrs. Leslie Meredith of rural Iola are being shown in the Cherokee Strip Museum in Arkansas City from now until Feb. 24. She is a native of Arkansas City and attended the junior college there before attending Kansas State Teachers College in Emporia. Mrs. Meredith has shown her work in exhibits at Emporia, Douglas, Iola, Vermillion, South Dakota and at the Woodson and Allen County fairs.
Orville Kretzmeier and Duane McCammon announced that as of the first of the year, Kretzmeier and Associates, local accounting firm, will be known as Kretzmeier and McCammon. McCammon has been with the firm, which recently moved into new quarters on North State Street, since 1959.