A Look Back in Time — 1980

Around Town

June 11, 2020 - 10:47 AM

40 Years Ago

Rep. George Works of Humboldt announced today he would again be a candidate for the Kansas House of Representatives’ 10th District seat. Works has represented the 10th District in Topeka for eight years.


The District 257 board of education last night accepted the final plans for expanding and remodeling the three elementary schools. The board also hired Larry Regehr, a former Iola student, as the physical education instructor at McKinley, LaHarpe and Gas elementary schools.


Sikes Economy Shoe Store has been purchased by Gordon Shreves of Lawrence. Debbie Shreves and Wayne Thomas will manage the store. G. Shreves has operated the Gordon Shoe Center in Lawrence for the past 10 years. The store here will also be named Gordon Shoe Center.


HUMBOLDT — The Assembly of God congregation has bought the former IGA building on the highway at the north edge of town, and is remodeling it to serve as its church. The building was owned by T. O. Frevele.


A 27-foot mural painted by Gary Hawk hangs above the teller’s windows in Allen County Bank and Trust’s main bank. The mural will be unveiled in a ceremony and a public reception will be held for artists in the new community room, adjacent to the main bank, where works of 15 local artists will be on exhibit. 

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