The LaHarpe School Alumni event was June 25. Fifty-one attended.
The meeting opened with William Watson, treasurer, leading the pledge to the U.S. flag.
Gary Hageman (class of 1962) and Sandy Beaman (class of 1966) gave their redition of “The Star Spangled Banner,” with all the group singing.
Sharon Utley, president, offered a prayer. Jenni Ware catered a lovely meal.
Scholarship thank you notes were read from Sage Barney, Iola High School, and Alyson Ard, Marmaton Valley. Kirstyn Murrow of Humboldt High School was there to share her goals, telling about her classes at Pittsburg State University this fall. The students each received a $500 scholarship from LaHarpe alumni and friends.
After the business meeting, time was spent visiting. The LaHarpe museum was a favorite place to look at the past LaHarpe school and town.
Those present from Kansas were:
Gary and Artheia Hageman, Manhattan; Bruce and Debra Saichompoo, Independence; Ruth Manbeck Caudell, Beth Manbeck Prock, Colony; Wayne and Nancy Chandler, Moran; Dale Hougton, Fredonia; Terry and Julia Mauk Marvin, Edwardsville; Linda Chandler Call, vice president, Donna Dillow, Emporia; Larry and Janice Nelson Smart, Osage; Jack and Kay Croghan, Gas; Philip and Ida Manbeck Andruss, Topeka; Janette Mauk, Pittsburg; Beverly McVey Shepard, Sharon McVey Malloy, Wichita; Steve and Judy Smith, Lloyd and Sandra Northcutt, Steve and Shirley Utley, Harry and Joyce Hay Lee, Linda Henegar Sweany, secretary, LaHarpe; Jim Appling, Sharon Chandler Utley, William and Linda Watson, Mary Manbeck Clay, Patricia Ansell Heinz, Riley Beaman, Sharon Kincheloe Sigg, Kim Swearingen, Iola; Scott Murrow, Gretchen Murrow, Isabelle Murrow, Kirstyn Murrow, Charles Stokes (class of 1962), Sandra Morrison Ellis, Humboldt.
Also attending: Lawrence Sherwood, Miami, Okla.; Gary Mauk (class of 1962) and John Pachero, Jacksonville, Fla.