The regular monthly meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club was Sunday, March 5. President Sophia Heim presided. The Cloverbuds led the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge.
Roll call was “Who is your favorite sports team(s)?” and was answered by 17 members, four Cloverbuds, and two leaders.
Kason Botts read the minutes followed by reports by the treaurer, Kaden; reporter’s report, Kason; and Parliamentarian report by Gabby over “minutes of a meeting.”
Club leaders reported as the fundraiser committee reminded members that braided breads and cookie dough would be delivered on March 29 at 4:30.
In Community Leader reports, leaders recognized regional 4-H Day participants, reminded families to pick up and pay for club shirts, and that the May meeting would be held at the Jones-Hardy Legion Post No. 385 with the local American Legion and Auxiliary members.
Song leaders Doug, Kylee and Easton led us in “Happy Birthday” for the March birthdays.
Recreation leaders Kaden and Natalea led the club in a game of up and down.
Vice President Mallory Heim led the club in the program.
Kylee Resco gave a talk about “How to properly plant potatoes.” Easton Resco gave a talk on “How to catch a fish.” The March host family was the Resco family.
The next meeting will be at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 16, at the Moran United Methodist Church. There will be a service project prior to the meeting at 3:30 making chew toys for ACARF and holding a supply drive. A talk will be given by Sophia. The Heim family will be the host family.