4-H club discusses revamped Fair plans

Prairie Rose 4-H'ers talked Allen County Fair updates at their Sunday meeting. Members also shared their favorite ice cream flavors.

Around Town

June 9, 2020 - 9:38 AM

The Prairie Rose 4H club was called to order by President Zoi Yoho via Zoom on Sunday. 

Sophia Heim, song leader, led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge. The club members answered roll call by answering “What is your favorite ice cream?” There were 16 members, two cloverbuds, and two community leaders present.

Yoho led the business meeting. Reports from officers were approved as read. Kendall Scharff, Secretary, read the minutes from last month’s meeting. 

Committee reports were given by project leader Kelci Botts, leader of the Cloverbuds and the Reading Project reported that meetings will be announced at a later time. 

Community Leader Kim Schomaker reported about not having in-person meetings until at least July 4. She reported on all the upcoming changes with this year’s fair. Kim also reported that the new theme this year for fair will be “COVID.” She reminded everyone that fair entries are due July 1, and to be looking for the fair tab soon. 

The club voted to sponsor two awards this year for the fair. 

Talks were given by Natalea Elmenhorst on how to get a lamb ready for the fair and Jenni Armstrong demonstrated how to set up a food table.

The next meeting will be at 5 p.m. July 1 at the Moran Community Center. We will also have the flag retirement ceremony.

The meeting was adjourned by saying the 4H Motto.

— Gracie Yoho, reporter
