Online addiction workshops begin

Thrive Allen County and Health Resources & Services Administration are presenting a three-part online workshop.



August 25, 2020 - 9:25 AM

Is someone you love struggling with addiction?

Are you a psychological or clinical professional interested in new perspectives and strategies for treatment?

Take advantage of the following online series presented by Thrive Allen County and the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA).

All meetings will take place via ZOOM, with ID: 939-0155-0928

Part 1: Naming Stigma and Planning

Today, noon to 1 p.m.

Part 2: Being an Ally

Tuesday, Sept. 22

Part 3: Addressing Specific Sectors

Tuesday, Oct. 27

Leading the workshop will be Donald McDonald, a practicing recovery activist, trainer and social worker.

He has been a “thriving person in recovery” since 2004, who is informed by his experiences as a war veteran and former teacher.

According to him, “stigmatizing attitudes create discriminatory barriers to recovery from substance use disorder,” and therefore a significant portion of the discussion will focus on how one can overcome such attitudes.

McDonald calls himself a recovery activist because “people who experience mental and substance use disorders face discriminatory barriers to freedom and wellness.”

He argues “the recovery movement is a civil rights movement.”

Contact Thrive Allen County (ask for Robin Griffin) for more details: 620-365-8128 
