Lenten breakfasts start Wednesday

First breakfast to celebrate the season of Lent is at 7 a.m. at First Christian Church. Schedule announced.


February 25, 2020 - 10:04 AM

The first breakfast celebrating the season of Lent is at 7 a.m. Wednesday at First Christian Church, 1608 Oregon Rd. 

Complimenting the hearty meal will be a “lite” service, reminding worshippers of God’s grace. 

Other breakfasts include: 

March 4, Wesley United Methodist Church, 301 E. Madison; 

March 11, First Presbyterian Church, 302 E. Madison; 

April 1, St. John’s Catholic Church, 310 S. Jefferson.

No breakfasts are scheduled for March 18 or March 25.

The breakfasts are free and open to the public. 
