A look back in time – October 1988 

35 years ago


October 19, 2023 - 5:42 PM

Photo by Ales Krivec/UNSPLASH

Basic party philosophies surfaced in exchanges between Republican Denise Apt of Iola and Democrat Doug Walker of Osawatomie at a candidate forum here Wednesday night. The two are competing for the state senate seat being vacated by the retirement of Sen. Robert V. Talkington. About 60 attended. 


Five men arrested in Allen County after a raid on a marijuana patch near Mildred last week are apparently members of a massive marijuana-farming operation. That’s the opinion of Sheriff Ron Moore, who participated in other raids over the weekend. Moore said that documents found with the five men arrested here and two others at an Ottawa hotel linked the marijuana-growing operations. 


Iola commissioners approved two ordinances, one providing for a five-member commission and the second setting a referendum on the issue for Dec. 13. 


Iola city commissioners also approved annexation and rezoning of an area at the south edge of Iola to accommodate an unnamed industry. The area annexed, and rezoned light industry, mainly contains the old Lehigh powerhouse. Iola Industries has completed an agreement to sell the property.


A radical drop in gasoline prices to 59.9 cents per gallon Saturday at Wood’s Mini-Mart at West Madison and State streets had cars lining up. According to Sandy Lakin, an employee at the station, the drop in price was an attempt to empty the ground tanks so that new ones could be laid. Work on the tanks is expected to start today.
