November 1980
Dr. John Norton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Norton of Iola, who is a physicist at the national laboratories at Los Alamos, N.M., spoke to Iola Rotarians. Norton predicted the nuclear electric power plants will be necessary in the United States to prevent economic collapse during the next 30 years if oil and gas are in as short supply as current estimates indicate. He added that breeder reactors were “the only way to go.”
A two-division SEK League in football was agreed upon in a league meeting yesterday at Columbus. Iola High School Principal Jerry Weis said Superintendent of Schools Don Bain, Athletic Director Wendy Frazell and he would recommend to the board of education that USD 257 stay in the SEK under the new arrangements. Iola would be in a division with Parsons, Chanute, Altamont and Columbus. The other division in the league would be Pittsburg, Independence and Coffeyville. A champion of each division would be determined and an all-star team chosen. There would not be a playoff between the two divisions. The school board had previously voted to take Iola out of the SEK League and play schools whose total enrollments were closer to Iola’s total.