A look back in time – May 1976

45 Years Ago


May 20, 2021 - 9:00 AM

“Milk drinkers make better rowers” is the sign painted on the oar-lock innertube raft powered by Ron Coltrane, Mike Pucket and Doug Coltrane which was the first raft under the Neosho River bridge at Humboldt yesterday in the eighth annual Iola-to-Humboldt innertube raft race. Not all of the racers were as dead set on winning, though. In a photo in today’s Register, Randy Stanley, Terry Leavitt, Jack Stanley and Tina Leavitt were content to let the current of the river do most of the work as they had a good time floating down the 15-mile stretch. Nearly 70 rafts were entered in the race.
