A look back in time – August 1961

60 Years Ago


August 2, 2021 - 8:36 AM

The Kansas Elks baseball tournament opens at Riverside Park in Iola Saturday. It’s hard to recall when Iola ever has been host to any kind of a state tournament, so in that respect the Elks project is quite an event. The public is invited to attend the eight games that will be played here Saturday and Sunday. There will be no admission charge. A small army of Elks will assist Dean Tweedy, state baseball committee chairman and Russell Henderson, state tournament chairman, in managing the tournament.


Still agog and a little stunned today. Iola swept the Kansas Elks tournament and emerged champion without allowing an opponent a single run. Saturday the Iola Elks defeated Abilene 2-0, Larry McCord pitched a no-hitter. Sunday afternoon, Iola turned back Great Bend, 1-0. McCord allowed one hit. Sunday night the game started at about 9:45 and ended about 11:45. Iola downed Salina 6-0 and Luttrell allowed two hits. That was it! Howard Shinn was manager of the Iola team. Lockwood Lacy and Charles Gray were baseline coaches. Iola umpiring was done by John Bass, Jim Shinn and Frank Masterson.


Bill Trible, manager of the J. C. Penney Store here, announced today that charge account privileges will be offered for the first time to his customers beginning a week from today. This is a historic change in Penney policy, he explained. Until three years ago, cash and carry among the 1,700 stores had been the inviolable rule for 56 years. Now the stores are embracing credit procedures, a certain number each year. Iola’s turn is next week.


Brink and Dunwoody, Iola architectural and engineering firm, will design the fine arts and cultural center which is to be presented to the Iola schools by the Thomas H. Bowlus estate.
