A look back in time


February 26, 2019 - 10:16 AM

30 Years Ago

February 1989

The University of Kansas has offered a Summerfield scholarship to Kyle L. Thompson of Iola, son of Mr. and Mrs. Van Thompson of rural Iola. The scholarships are among the highest honors KU bestows on undergraduates from Kansas high schools. It provides $1,000 a year for four years to those who maintain a 3.5 grade average.


MORAN — Chub and Helen Bolling have begun operation of Moran Locker with their sons and daughters-in-law, Mitchell and Sharon Bolling and Mike and Denise Bolling. Chub and Helen also operate Bronson Locker in Bronson and they own Bolling Fur, a fur-buying and processing business in Bronson. Chub is also the minister at Elsmore United Methodist Church.
