A look back in time


October 16, 2019 - 10:56 AM

20 Years Ago

October 1999

Modern Woodmen of America, through local representative Liz Armer, gave the Friends of the Bowlus a check for $5,006.86 Tuesday, which lifted the drive’s total above $190,000. The drive, which started about a year ago, has a goal of $300,000. 


Iola Police Sgt. Stanley Cookwright won a Wheat State Crime Prevention Award this week from Attorney General Carla Stovall for starting a three-year program in Iola’s elementary schools in which officers visit the schools once a week to eat lunch with students, ask what’s on their minds, and visit about such things as illegal drugs, violence and safety issues.


The Iola City Parks Department is preparing a base in Cofachique Park for a M110A2 self-propelled Howitzer which has been donated to Iola by the U.S. Department of the Army. Parks Supt. Berkley Kerr said concrete will be poured for the base early next week and the motorized weapon could be on display as early as December.
