40 Years Ago
September 1979
There have been 37 housing starts in and immediately around Iola in the first seven months of 1979, with a total value of $1.7 million. Most of the new homes are being built in the north and east sides of the city.
A concrete microwave tower for Southwestern Bell is rising off the ground at the rate of a foot an hour in Gas, using a slip-form method that requires continuous pouring until the job is done. Completion is expected Saturday, when the tower will be 138 feet and eight inches from the ground.
HUMBOLDT Voters in District 258 gave solid approval to issuance of general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $1,040,302 yesterday for remodeling and new construction at the Humboldt High School. The votes were 453 for and 271 against.
Paul LaForge Jr., of LaForge and Budd Construction Company of Parsons, and Sergio Campanini, president of Berg Manufacturing Co., signed a contract this morning to build an additional shipping room on the northwest of its present building on U.S. 169 at the north edge of Iola. Campanini said the 160-foot by 42-foot metal structure will be the first phase in a three-phase construction program that will add 57,000 square feet of floor space to the manufacturing complex.
Carolyn Lucas, an IHS senior, has been named among 15,000 of the nations students who qualified as semifinalists in the 1980 Merit Program by the National Merit Scholarship Corp. Semifinalists who advance will be considered for about 4,300 Merit Scholarships to be awarded in the spring of 1980.