I have the privilege to coach the Southwind District 4-H Livestock Teams Skillathon, Quiz Bowl, Meats and Livestock Judging. Working with youth who are the future of our agriculture community, and teaching basic livestock knowledge is often challenging and time-consuming. Well, the time-consuming part just got a little bigger (probably more than I am prepared for) and these kids are taking me on an adventure that requires a passport to travel over the Big Pond.
As you know, the Southwind Extension District 4-H Livestock Judging Team of Jillian Keller (Piqua), Brody Nemecek (Iola), Haydon Schaaf (Uniontown), and Clay Brillhart (Fort Scott) were named Reserve National Champions in January 2019 at the National Western 4-H Livestock Judging Contest in Denver, Colorado. In recognition as a winning team, they were awarded an invitation to compete internationally at the Royal Highland Show in Scotland and at the Charleville Show in the Republic of Ireland, June 19 – July 3. The contests are only a small piece of the international educational trip that will include agriculture seminars, tours and opportunities to enhance leadership skills and education through interaction with the citizens of the UK and Ireland.
In an effort to cover educational expenses, the Southwind team is selling stock in the livestock judging team. Individuals and businesses have the opportunity to invest in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by purchasing these shares from team members. Shares are being sold for $100 and investors will be invited to a shareholders meeting where they will enjoy dinner and see firsthand the return on their investments as the Southwind District 4-H Livestock Judging Team members share their travel experiences. Stock can be purchased for $100/share.
Giving options for the Southwind 4-H Livestock Judging Team:
Send your donation to: 4-H Livestock Judging, PO Box 845, Iola, KS 66749
Sponsorship levels:
1 share
Invitation to Shareholders Meeting
Invitation to Shareholders Meeting & name/logo printed at Shareholders Meeting
Membership to the Charleville Club table at Shareholders Meeting & name/logo printed on brochure at Shareholders Meeting
Membership to the Royal Highland Club table at Shareholders Meeting, name/logo printed on brochure and team travel supplies
If you have questions about 4-H or would like to help our livestock judging team, please give me a call at 620-365-2242. The team and their parents would love to see you at our shareholders meeting in August!