4-H: Square-B gets busy

The Square-B 4-H Club started their Oct. 12 meeting with competitive volleyball and dodgeball games, along with food around the bonfire.


October 19, 2020 - 9:24 AM

The Square-B 4-H Club started their Oct. 12 meeting with competitive volleyball and dodgeball games, along with food around the bonfire. A business meeting followed where 11 members answered rollcall with their extracurricular activities. Elizabeth Lewis was a guest and future member. Katelyn Hicks led the club in singing Happy Birthday to Henry Kramer. Members voted to have a float in the Veterans Day parade. 

Kelli Kramer installed the new officers for the coming year. Each officer received a candy bar relevant to their office. Officers are: president, Mary Brown; vice president, Travis Wanker; secretary, Abigail Meiwes; treasurer, Carly Kramer; reporter, Levi Meiwes; song leader, Layla Newkirk; recreation, Maddy Wanker and Katelyn Hicks; parliamentarian, Drake Mathews; and historian, Henry Kramer.

The junior officers are: president, Katelyn Hicks; vice president, Bryce Culbertson; secretary, Joshua Wanker; treasurer, Cassie Hicks; reporter, Scout Mathews; song, Kara Culbertson; recreation, Dominic Newkirk and Lee Wanker; parliamentarian, Kimber Culbertson; and historian, Laura Newkirk. 

Recreation was bobbing for apples and parts Identification from the morgue. Members had to reach into a mystery box and guess what “body part” they felt. The meeting ended with a hayrack ride. 

Next Sunday members will be interpreting the song “King of My Heart” into American Sign Language for 4-H Sunday at Colony Christian Church. Our next meeting will be outdoors on Nov. 9, weather permitting. It will also be invite-a-friend night. Anyone interested in joining 4-H is welcome. If you are 7 years old as of January 1, you can enroll in 4-H and do projects like robotics, woodworking, cooking, photography and more. For information, call Becky Meiwes at 620-365-0573.
