4-H club creates Valentines for Moran Manor

Prairie Rose 4-H Club holds February meeting, creates Valentine's Day cards for the residents of Moran Manor.


February 15, 2024 - 2:46 PM

The regular monthly meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club was held on Sunday, Feb. 11. Prior to the meeting, members met to complete a service project of creating Valentine’s Day cards for the residents of Moran Manor. The meeting was called to order by Kylar Botts, Junior President. The Cloverbuds led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge.  Roll call was: Who will win the Super Bowl? There was a quorum present and the minutes were approved as read. All officer reports were approved.

A fundraising committee report was given. Members will begin selling braided bread in February. The orders will be due and will be delivered in March. Community leader Angelea Heim announced the club’s skit results and individual members’ results from 4-H District Days.

Community leader Kelci Botts announced information and dates from the Southwind District Newsletter. This included the following: Member in Good Standing, Walk Kansas, K-State Junior Beef Producer Day, K-State Junior Sheep Producer Day, photography project and entomology project information, Discovery Days and Rock Springs 4-H Camp, summer contest information, and Kansas Sheep Association start flock program. There were no project leader reports or old business. 

In new business, a motion was made and approved to perform the club skit at Regional 4-H Days. Next, a motion to have a club group participate in the Walk Kansas program was approved.

Junior song leader Rynlea Heins led the club in “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.” Junior recreation leaders Kylar Botts and Henry Gabbert led the club in a game of Red Rover.  Junior Vice President Doug Dix led the program.

Doug Dix gave a project talk over “How to Play the Trumpet.” Jacque Gabbert announced that the first welding meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 20, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., at the school.  The next meeting will be Sunday, March 3, at 3 p.m. at the Moran United Methodist Church. This will be a club exchange meeting with Seekers Not Slackers of Anderson County. It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting by saying the 4-H Motto. 

— Junior Reporter, Harper Gabbert
