KANSAS CITY, Mo. The Royals are in the ultimate transition, in ways huge and tiny, and the path of one specific transition will say so much about the rest. This is the first defining…
What if there was something you could drink that could help you live longer and was free? Would you drink it? What if I offered something else to drink that could shorten your life and…
Dear Dr. Roach: I am a nursing student in my 30s and originally from the Philippines. As part of my testing, I had a skin test for tuberculosis, which was positive. I had a friend…
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) The Kansas Board of Regents is requesting a $95.3 million increase in state tax funding for 32 universities and colleges in the system. The Topeka Capital-Journal reports $50 million of that…
Head coach Chris Belknap admits he may not appear to be a tennis wiz, but the Fillies tennis team has made massive improvements under his coaching since practice began Aug. 9. I think I shocked…
CHANUTE The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism is offering a hunter education class at Chanutes Elks Lake Aug. 30 and 31. The class is free, but students must attend all sessions, and…
WASHINGTON (AP) President Donald Trump said Friday he believes he has influence to rally Republicans around stronger federal background check laws as Congress and the White House work on a response to last weekend’s…
The 69th annual Lindsey-King reunion was held in Iolas Riverside Park June 15. Attending were Fred and Cindy Littlepage, Makenna Shipp and Macey Shipp, Excelsior Springs, Mo.; Kourtnie Littlepage, Springfield, Mo.; Randy and Cyndy Hughey,…
KANSAS CITY, Mo. New federal data shows drug overdose deaths declining nationally for the first time in decades but continuing to rise in Kansas and Missouri. Health officials have hailed the Centers for…
50 Years Ago July 1969 Leo H. Burger, legendary Iola High School and junior college coach and teacher, died last night of a heart attack while fishing. Burger coached the only two league championship teams…