With the advent of the Affordable Care Act proponents thought, at last, Americans would receive the health care they deserve.Welcome “skinny plans” — health insurance that does little more than pay for routine visits to…
Dear editor,The city of Iola and the USD 257 district face a very important decision come Nov. 4. This is not a decision to be taken lightly. People need to find out the facts so…
At one point or other we’ll all be betrayed. Someone will go back on his word. That’s how cynics are born. “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me,” goes the…
In Minnesota, the Republican candidate to the U.S. Senate says he’s “still looking into” the merits of expanding Medicaid for Minnesotans.In other words, no, he’s not in favor of it.It’s disingenuous for a candidate to…
As host to this weekend’s Kansas Dialogue, the communities of Piqua and Iola put their best foot forward.More than 100 participants from across the state made their way here for the three-day event. They delighted…
The writing was on the wall.A lopsided contract that favored county taxpayers was a distinct disadvantage to Iola residents, putting city officials over a barrel to adequately manage a countywide ambulance service.Monday night they threw…
Voters in USD 257 will decide on Nov. 4 a bond issue to build new elementary and high schools just north of town.To help define the issue, the Register will develop a number of stories…
Anna Samp was a thoughtful and generous woman, as any number of her contemporaries living in an Indian camp would testify more than a century ago.Samp was Don Bauer’s grandmother. He recalled tales about the…
Dear editor:Too many people think the answer to world problems and personal ones is to be mean and hateful. As a person who is nice and considerate and gets taken advantage of too often, this…
An Associated Press dispatch reported Cliven Bundy told an Independent American Party gathering in St. George, Utah, last weekend God provided him personal inspiration in his showdown with the federal government over grazing cattle on…