
Dear editor,The basic intent of this letter is to be a reminder that the children, not the building, are, or at least should be, the focal point of the school issue.Iola’s schools are old and…

Dear editor,The marriage amendment in Kansas passed with the support of 70 percent of law abiding Kansans. It very simply defined marriage as “between one man and one woman.” It is an eternal concept that…

In a story in Tuesday’s Register noting the success of Sonic Equipment, operations director Eric Olson spoke about the effort involved to convince theater owners to switch from film to digital projection equipment.The decades-old system…

Dear editor,At the conclusion of the Monday meeting of Iola Industries, its board of directors voted to support the USD 257 “Yes! Yes! for Kids” campaign.We thank USD 257 Superintendent Jack Koehn and Scott Stanley,…

Dear editor,While speaking at See, Hear Iola, businessman Mark Burris commented, “If we as a company sit and do nothing, the world will pass us by.  The school is in the same situation.”  Our school…

Same-sex may ride into Kansas as the marital flood gates open Monday.No confetti or rice, no stately Pachelbel melodies or cute ring-bearers.Instead, it will (eventually) become the law in Kansas by default.On Monday, Supreme Court…

Dear editor, The proposed bond issue before voters Nov. 4 regarding a new school campus is of historic importance. We are at a critical crossroads where an opportunity may be lost for generations to come. I’ve…

Several years ago during one of our trips to Roswell, N.M., to visit daughter Brenda and family, I stopped north of Hereford, Texas, where a field of cotton recently had been harvested.A handful of the…

As we were driving to the state prison for women Thursday evening my daughter, Louise, started to panic.“What if they think I’m just a spoiled brat?” she said. I could give her no comfort because…

Surely Kansas Republicans sighed with relief when a district court ruled Wednesday afternoon that Democrats need not file a last-minute candidate for the U.S. Senate race.It was never going to happen. The same day our…