The multiple bombings across Paris Friday night brought home the “inconvenient truth,” that once again, the United States must engage in full-fledged battle.If not, it’s only a matter of time before terrorists associated with the…
Right off the bat, let me make clear I don’t wish anyone out of a job. That said, I think we are top heavy in government services here in Allen County. For a population of…
A chance meeting with Trey Wallace, a fifth grader, was impressive. Trey is an inquisitive lad, and has a quality not all his age do — he can carry on a conversation with adults. When…
Here’s a thought that may sound a little far-fetched. But, if folks honestly want to see their tax burdens reduced, it is an avenue that would lead in that direction.Iola, Humboldt and Allen County all…
When news is released on a Friday afternoon, you know it’s not good. Journalists refer to it as the Friday “news dump.” Bad news that politicians hope will get buried as people get out and…
A recent report on the death of Ahmad Chalabi, an Iraqi politician who in early 2000 came out of exile to take advantage of a U.S. invasion of his homeland, said his reasons were less…
What am I?That question comes to mind now and again when I think about my views on social and political matters. I’ve a friend, so to speak, who emails often to keep me abreast of…
Hands down, Republicans represent their party better than Democrats. The results of Tuesday’s elections showed lopsided victories for Republican candidates and conservative measures across the nation.In Kentucky, the dark horse candidate, a wealthy businessman with…
Sometimes, you just want the money. It’s all the vogue these days for wealthy donors to give large sums in efforts to improve the education of our youth.Trouble is, the strings attached are enough to…
Recruiters are finding it difficult to get young people to join the armed forces. According to The Economist: “That is part of a longstanding trend: a growing disconnect between American society and the armed forces…