If you thought 2015 was an election year, you’re forgiven. It was in March that Ted Cruz announced his bid for the Republican nomination. A full one year and eight months before the 2016 election.…
You have to love Maude Burns.An occasional letter writer to the Register, Maude has a knack for giving the skinny on politicians — Gov. Brownback is a favorite target — that finds favor with most…
You wouldn’t know it by our elected officials, but most Americans are not super wealthy. So it seems to go against the nature of the electorate that time and time again voters elect those who…
A strong argument against privatizing the state’s prison system a couple years back was the lack of accountability, especially when profit is a motive to the organizational structure.The same doubts are cropping up with the…
As I prepared the story about the Sunday Soups program for today’s paper I did so with an element of guilt.First Presbyterian, after all, is my church, but I’m not an active participant in the…
Time was kids could buy a package of baseball cards for a nickel or less, including a piece of bubble gum.Baseball was the only professional game of consequence from one end of the nation to…
As we think more about recycling a variety of household packaging and other things, it would be good to take a look at what has occurred in Franklin County.The Lake Region Earth Team Recycling Task…
In this season of giving, Iola’s Tracy Keagle shows how it’s done.Keagle was the driving force behind this past weekend’s parade and Santa’s Toy Shop on the Iola downtown square, where hundreds of children received…
Circle March 17 on your calendar. That evening at Iola Public Library Toby Robb, who watches over water purification for Iola, along with a geologist and a wildlife specialist, will discuss the Neosho River and…
For all it’s worth, our military prison at Fort Leavenworth is perfectly able to keep behind bars any murderer, rapist or terrorist without putting Kansas at risk.But if you listen to our elected officials, accepting…